Newborn workshop
On the 10th of February 2020, around lunch time I boarded a plane, destination Brisbane. The flight was a little rocky, due to the amount of clouds. But it settled down as the trip went on.
Once I landed in Brisbane my first stop was the coffee shop.
Then found my bags and headed to the train station, I had just got out of the airport and had no idea where to go. So I ask a friendly policeman who steered me in the right direction.
Once at the train station, I was given more great help, by the ticket collector, he got me a map and helped me understand where to get off and swap trains.
So i finally make it to the motel with no dramas, where the staff of the Darra motel were the friendiest people, and the meals there were just so huge and yummy.
Next day i got up and head to Little Pieces photography studio on Spine st, I am in awe of this studio, future dreams right there. Such an awesome space, with amazing people inside.

The workshop went for two days the first day we got to photography babies, the first baby came in and Kelly wraps the baby, which she makes look soooo easy.
Then she poses the baby and gave us detailed
instructions. Have a look at her work at

The next baby to come in, had a big sister. Who wasn't very happy with all the eyes in the room looking at her, all the Mum wanted was a picture of the two girls together. So as not to upset the little girl anymore, Kelly got the Mum to sit down with the little girl and then the pair of them held the baby. Mum got her shot of her two daughters, she just had to be in the photo also. Then she got a couple of family shots, and then once we all photographed her little sister, she got to go home.
This little one had the most gorgeous chubby checks.

The last little fella had so much hair, I bet his mum had a lot of heartburn while pregnant. He was our prop baby, Kelly show us how to fill a bowl with enough support that the little one wouldn't slip or slide down. She then positioned him so his chin sat on his hands.
And boy did he look cute.

The next day we headed back to the studio, where Kelly spoke to us about the business side. From maketing, business cards, referrals, she also show us how to pose Mum with her baby, while using one of the other photographers and a doll. She show us things she had made and suggest how to make and style sessions with easy ideas. We coved pricing and we got to look at the products she sold and endorsed. We also got the grand tour of Kelly's studio and it is awesome, she has a massive big white room that she hires out to other photographer for product shoot and all kinds of thing. She has a great team that she works with, her husband has come to work for her and handles her Facebook marketing. I had a fab time and would love to do it again, the mini vacation from the everyday life didn't hurt either. Its a wonderful thing that Kelly offers for us photographers, she doesn't have to open her doors and be so welcoming to people trying to learn, but she does.
I feel I have learnt a lot from this trip and I cant wait to put in all into practice.
Deb xx